
OxenFS Objects

class OxenFS(fsspec.AbstractFileSystem)

OxenFS is a filesystem interface for Oxen repositories that implements the fsspec protocol. This allows you to interact with Oxen repositories using familiar filesystem operations and integrate with other compatible libraries like Pandas.

Basic Usage

Creating a Filesystem Instance

import oxen

# For Oxen Hub repositories
fs = oxen.OxenFS("ox", "Flowers")

# For local oxen-server
fs = oxen.OxenFS("ox", "test-repo", host="localhost:3000", scheme="http")

Reading Files

with fs.open("data/train.csv") as f:
    content = f.read()

Writing Files

You must have write access to the repository to write files. See: https://docs.oxen.ai/getting-started/python#private-repositories

OxenFS will automatically commit the file to the repository when the context is exited (or the file is closed some other way). New directories are automatically created as needed.

# Write with custom commit message
with fs.open("data/test.txt", mode="wb", commit_message="Added test.txt") as f:
    f.write("Hello, world!")

# You can also set/update the commit message inside the context
with fs.open("data/test.txt", mode="wb") as f:
    f.commit_message = "Updated test.txt"
    f.write("Hello, world again!")

Integration with Third Party Libraries (Pandas, etc.)

OxenFS works seamlessly with Pandas and other fsspec-compatible libraries using the URL format: oxen://namespace:repo@revision/path/to/file

Reading Data

These will work with Pandas {to,from}_{csv,parquet,json,etc.} functions.

import pandas as pd

# Read parquet directly from Oxen repository
df = pd.read_parquet("oxen://openai:gsm8k@main/gsm8k_test.parquet")

Writing Data

# Write DataFrame directly to Oxen repository
df.to_csv("oxen://ox:my-repo@main/data/test.csv", index=False)


  • Only binary read (“rb”) and write (“wb”) modes are currently supported
    • But writing will automatically encode strings to bytes
  • Does not yet support streaming files. All operations use temporary local files.


def __init__(namespace: str,
             repo: str,
             host: str = "hub.oxen.ai",
             revision: str = "main",
             scheme: str = "https",

Initialize the OxenFS instance.


  • namespace - str The namespace of the repository.
  • repo - str The name of the repository.
  • host - str The host to connect to. Defaults to ‘hub.oxen.ai’
  • revision - str The branch name or commit id to checkout. Defaults to ‘main’
  • scheme - str The scheme to use for the remote url. Default: ‘https’


def ls(path: str = "", detail: bool = False)

List the contents of a directory.


  • path - str The path to list the contents of.
  • detail - bool If True, return a list of dictionaries with detailed metadata. Otherwise, return a list of strings with the filenames.

OxenFSFileWriter Objects

class OxenFSFileWriter()

A file writer for the OxenFS backend.

This is normally called through OxenFS.open() or fsspec.open().


def write(data: str | bytes)

Write string or binary data to the file.


def flush()

Flush the file to disk.


def commit(commit_message: Optional[str] = None)

Commit the file to the remote repo.


def close()

Close the file writer. This will commit the file to the remote repo.