
Oxen can be used to compare data frames and return a tabular diff.

There is more information about the diff in the Diff Getting Started Documentation.

For example comparing two data frames will give you an output data frame, where the .oxen.diff.status column shows if the row was added, removed, or modified.

shape: (6, 7)
| file        | x   | y   | width | height | label.right | .oxen.diff.status |
| ---         | --- | --- | ---   | ---    | ---         | ---               |
| str         | i64 | i64 | i64   | i64    | str         | str               |
| image_0.jpg | 0   | 0   | 10    | 10     | cat         | modified          |
| image_1.jpg | 1   | 2   | 10    | 20     | null        | removed           |
| image_1.jpg | 200 | 100 | 10    | 20     | dog         | added             |
| image_2.jpg | 4   | 10  | 20    | 20     | null        | removed           |
| image_3.jpg | 4   | 10  | 20    | 20     | dog         | added             |
| image_4.jpg | 10  | 10  | 10    | 10     | dog         | added             |


import os
import oxen

result = oxen.diff("dataset_1.csv", "dataset_2.csv")


def diff(path: os.PathLike,
         to: Optional[os.PathLike] = None,
         repo_dir: Optional[os.PathLike] = None,
         revision_left: Optional[str] = None,
         revision_right: Optional[str] = None,
         output: Optional[os.PathLike] = None,
         keys: list[str] = [],
         compares: list[str] = [])

Compares data from two paths and returns a diff respecting the type of data.


  • path - os.PathLike The path to diff. If to is not provided, this will compare the data frame to the previous commit.
  • to - os.PathLike An optional second path to compare to. If provided this will be the right side of the diff.
  • repo_dir - os.PathLike The path to the oxen repository. Must be provided if compare_to is not provided, or if revision_left or revision_right is provided. If not provided, the repository will be searched for in the current working directory.
  • revision_left - str The left revision to compare. Can be a commit hash or branch name.
  • revision_right - str The right revision to compare. Can be a commit hash or branch name.
  • output - os.PathLike The path to save the diff to. If not provided, the diff will not be saved.
  • keys - list[str] Only for tabular diffs. The keys to compare on. This is used to join the two data frames. Keys will be combined and hashed to create a identifier for each row.
  • compares - list[str] Only for tabular diffs. The compares to compare on. This is used to compare the values of the two data frames.

Diff Objects

class Diff()

Diff class wraps many types of diffs and provides a consistent interface. For example the diff can be tabular or text. Eventually we will extend this to support other types of diffs such as images, audio, etc.


def format() -> str

Returns the format of the diff. Ie. tabular, text, etc.


def tabular() -> Optional[TabularDiff]

Returns the tabular diff if the diff is tabular.


def text() -> Optional[TextDiff]

Returns the text diff if the diff is text.


def get()

Resolves the diff type and returns the appropriate diff object.