You can either setup an oxen-server instance yourself, or use the hosted version on OxenHub. The hosted solution comes with a UI and the benefits of not having to setup infrastructure yourself. Sign up here to get started.

If you want to kick the tires of Oxen in the privacy of your own infrastructure, you can setup a local server.


To setup a local Oxen Server instance, first install the oxen-server binary.

Mac OS

On Mac-OS you can use Homebrew to install the binary.

brew tap Oxen-AI/oxen-server
brew install oxen-server


On Ubuntu you can download the latest .deb file from our GitHub Releases and install it.

sudo dpkg -i oxen-server-ubuntu-latest.deb


To run the server in a docker container, download the latest .tar file from our GitHub Releases and run the following commands.

docker load < oxen-server-docker.tar
docker run -d -v /path/to/my/data:/var/oxen/data -p 80:3001 oxen/oxen-server:latest

To install on other platforms, follow the installation instructions.

Starting the Server

The server can be run with access token authentication turned on or off. The server runs with no authentication by default.

oxen-server start

To enable authentication, generate a token to give it to the user to access to the server

oxen-server add-user --email YOUR_EMAIL --name YOUR_NAME

User access token created:


To give user access have them run the command `oxen config --auth <HOST> <TOKEN>`

You may have different authentication tokens for different hosts. From the client side, you can setup an auth token per host with the config command. If you ever need to debug or edit the tokens manually, they are stored in the ~/.config/oxen/auth_config.toml file.

oxen config --auth <HOST> <TOKEN>
cat ~/.config/oxen/auth_config.toml

To run the server with authentication, use the -a flag

oxen-server start -a

The default directory that Oxen stores data is /tmp/oxen_sync, we definitely do not want this in production. To change it set the SYNC_DIR environment variable to a path.

$ export SYNC_DIR=/Path/To/Data
oxen-server start -a

Running 🐂 server on
Syncing to directory: /Path/To/Data
[2022-06-08T10:00:48Z INFO  actix_server::builder] Starting 8 workers
[2022-06-08T10:00:48Z INFO  actix_server::server] Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime

If you want to change the default IP ADDRESS and PORT you can do so by passing them in with the -i and -p parameters.

oxen-server start -i -p 4321

Pushing the Changes

Once you have committed data locally and are ready to share them with colleagues (or the world) you will have to push them to a remote.

Assuming you have already installed the oxen CLI, you can create a remote repository on the server.

oxen create-remote --name MyNamespace/MyRepoName --host localhost:3000 --scheme http

Note: The host and scheme are optional and default to and https respectively. If you are running a local server, you can set the host to localhost:3000 and the scheme to http.

You can either clone data from this remote repository, or push data to it.

Clone the empty repository:

oxen clone http://<HOST>/MyNamespace/MyRepoName

OR create a new repository:

# Create a directory for the new dataset
mkdir my-dataset
cd my-dataset

# Initialize a local repository
oxen init

# Add data to the repository
echo "Hello World" > data.txt
oxen add data.txt

# Commit the changes
oxen commit -m "Initial commit"

and add the remote to an existing repository:

oxen config --set-remote origin http://<HOST>/MyNamespace/MyRepoName

Once a remote is set you can push

oxen push origin main

You can change the remote (origin) and the branch (main) to whichever remote and branch you want to push.